Our FAQ section contains answers to the most important questions about certification, our technology, the DICIS team and our pricing model. We want to give you a comprehensive overview and show you how we help small service companies to achieve high-quality certification quickly, easily and cost-effectively. Whether you are interested in the process, technical details or our philosophy, you will find all the relevant information here at a glance.

Questions about certification

Is the certification recognized in the same way as others?

Yes. There are two types of certification: independent certification according to the guidelines of the Federal Association of Independent Certification Bodies (BVUZ) and accredited certification according to the guidelines of the DAkkS. Both are subject to strict certification guidelines and serve to confirm compliance with the relevant standards.

An independent certification is recognized in 95% of all cases. In certain exceptional cases, such as official tenders or particularly high security requirements, accredited certification may be required.

ISO, as the originator of the standards, explains on its website:

“Accreditation is not compulsory, and non-accreditation does not necessarily mean the certification body is not reputable.”

This means in German:

“Accreditation is not compulsory, and non-accreditation does not necessarily mean the certification body is not reputable.”

This emphasizes that a certification by DICIS has the same value in practice as others, since the respective standard is properly checked.

Here you will find the explanations for the certification of ISO.

Until now, it took 5-7 months to prepare all the documentation. However, the AI-supported ISO certification tool reduces this effort to 5-7 hours.
Depending on how intensively our customers work on the documentation, certification is generally possible within 24 hours. In practice, however, our customers usually take a little more time to really take advantage of the full benefits of ISO certification, such as standardized processes, efficiency gains and better information security. If they spend an hour a day on the documentation and requirements, certification can usually be achieved within a week.

After you become a customer, our certification team will contact you in the first step to clarify any open questions regarding certification. You will also receive a brief introduction to our certification tool so that you can get started right away.
As soon as you have completed the documentation, register for a trial audit. In this trial audit, you will go through your documentation together with our lead auditor. This will give you another opportunity to add any missing documents or implement them in practice.
Afterwards, you will schedule an appointment for your certification audit. Once you have successfully passed this audit, you will receive your certification and be officially certified.

You will receive a certificate that contains all the information required by the standard. This includes, for example, the scope of application, your company and an individual certificate number.
In addition, you will be included in the DICIS Institute’s certificate database. Your customers can use this to check your certification at any time.
We will also provide you with a detailed certification report. This contains a precise list of the standard points that you fulfill and serves as proof of your process and quality standards – or your standards in the area of environmental management and information security management.

Yes, the price of DICIS includes the certification audit, which is conducted entirely online, as well as an annual surveillance audit. We have developed our certification specifically for the needs of small companies in the service sector. The classic approaches and price models of other certification bodies often place too great a bureaucratic and financial burden on them. That is why DICIS offers a transparent all-inclusive model that covers all certification services and is designed to be simple and efficient.

Questions about DICIS

What makes DICIS different and better?

We specialize in helping small service companies to get certified quickly and easily. Our customers are often just starting out and face major bureaucratic challenges. They waste a lot of time on bureaucracy that they actually need for their customers and for their business success. Our mission is to help these companies to implement all the requirements of the very complex standards quickly and easily. Other certification bodies provide excellent services for medium-sized companies and corporations. We, on the other hand, have the philosophy of focusing entirely on the needs of our target group and providing fast and practical certification.

ISO management systems were originally developed to improve the way companies operate. The standards are designed to support companies, not to burden them. However, the high bureaucratic demands often have the opposite effect, especially for small companies: instead of implementing a helpful and practical management system that offers real added value, companies get caught up in a flood of bureaucracy.
We have therefore designed both our certification tool and the entire certification process to maximize the benefits for our customers. During the audit, we not only strictly check compliance with the standard, but also focus on how companies can specifically use the ISO certification to their own advantage. This is how we ensure that certification does not become a burden, but actually contributes to improvement.

The DICIS certification body is managed by Thomas Werner, an experienced auditor who has been conducting certification audits for various organizations for years. The management of the certification body is supported by a team of auditors for various specialist areas. All members of the certification team have a solid education as lead auditors as well as years of practical experience. When selecting our auditors, we place particular emphasis on the fact that they certify in a practical way and understand the specific requirements of small service companies.

The ISO standards provide for a very strict separation between consulting and auditing (certification). The same person who advises a customer on setting up a management system is not allowed to certify it. For this reason, Innolytics AG, which developed the certification tool, has separated the support in setting up the management system and the certification in terms of organization.
A certification audit is – even if it is not classic consulting – still more than just a mere control. It is an appointment during which our customers, in addition to the assurance that they are in compliance with the standard, also receive practical suggestions for improvement, which they can use to specifically improve their company.

DICIS’ parent company is Innolytics AG, which is committed to the digitization and certification of management systems in its statutes. Innolytics AG is supported by 60 shareholders who come from the active management of companies and from self-employment. The challenges of small service companies to obtain certifications quickly and easily were the main reason for them to invest in the company. Innolytics AG aims to offer these services worldwide and thus become the market leader in digital company certifications.

Questions about the certification tool

What role does artificial intelligence play in the certification tool?

To get started, our customers fill out a questionnaire. After about 20 minutes, the basic structure of the quality, environmental or information security management system is in place. As soon as the company description has been entered, the AI assistant generates targeted suggestions, for example for instructions, process descriptions or information security guidelines.
Behind this process is a prompt management system that specifically addresses the AI service OpenAI. The results created are fed directly into the software, enabling customers to respond quickly and efficiently to the requirements of the standards.

The standards contain more than 300 different requirements. A team of experts spent a total of three years structuring these requirements in such a way that they can be quickly and easily implemented in practice. This resulted in the seven steps that companies follow.
These steps include entering the basic company data, objectives, processes and documents, risks and assessments (audits and management reviews). In the seventh and final step, the management system with the standard’s specifications is made available to employees.
These seven steps ensure that our customers can implement the requirements of the standard in a structured and efficient manner.

Yes, as a paying customer you can download all the documentation in PDF format. This is not possible with the free trial version. As a paying customer, you can download a list of measures, specifications, audit reports and management review reports, among other things.

If you decide not to become a customer after the 30-day trial, your platform will automatically be deleted. This ensures that none of your company or personal data remains in our systems. Should you later decide to use our tool to implement your certification, you would need to create a new questionnaire. This automatic deletion means that you have to create a new platform, but in return it ensures that we comply with all data protection requirements for your benefit.

Our support team is always available to help customers with technical questions and problems. This is how we ensure that you can use the platform without any problems. Our team will help you with both the certification tool and general technical issues. If a problem cannot be solved immediately, we will find a quick and efficient solution. Our goal is to ensure that you can fully concentrate on implementing your certification.

Further questions

Do I need to cancel the 30-day trial period?

No, you don’t have to cancel. You also don’t automatically subscribe. After 30 days, your trial period ends automatically, and no special cancellation is required. We do this because we categorically oppose automatic “subscription traps” and want to provide our customers with a transparent and fair experience.

We want to focus all of our energy on our customers and providing high-quality certification. That’s why we have chosen Digistore24 as our payment service provider. They ensure that billing is handled fairly and transparently and that no problems arise. This allows us to focus on your certification while all payment processes are handled professionally and reliably.

We offer certification in the form of a cost-effective and simple subscription model. This sets us apart from other certification bodies, which often demand five-figure sums in advance. We are only able to offer this affordable subscription model because we have customers who remain loyal to us over the long term.
We fully understand that some customers only want to take out certification for a short period of twelve months. However, since high-quality certification is associated with corresponding costs for us, we have to charge higher monthly fees in this case.

Yes, because it follows a global standard that is recognized in almost all countries. Numerous companies around the world are certified according to these standards. The standards were originally developed to ensure uniform quality standards in international trade. This means that the DICIS certificate is also internationally recognized.

DICIS issues the certification directly for the full contract period (e.g. 24 months). A surveillance audit is carried out annually within this period. The purpose of this audit is to verify whether the requirements continue to be met and the management system is being implemented correctly.

If you decide to renew the contract after it has expired, the validity of your certificate will be automatically adjusted so that you remain certified.

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